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Exercise 21-2 Subject Verb Agreement Answers

Exercise 21-2 Subject Verb Agreement Answers: A Comprehensive Guide

As a writer or copy editor, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of subject-verb agreement. This concept refers to the agreement between the subject of a sentence and the verb that accompanies it. Correct subject-verb agreement helps to ensure that sentences are grammatically correct and convey the intended message clearly.

Exercise 21-2 is a popular exercise in English grammar that focuses on subject-verb agreement. This exercise provides a set of sentences where the subject and verb are not correctly matched, and it is up to the writer or editor to identify the errors and make the necessary corrections.

In this article, we will provide the answers to Exercise 21-2 and guide you through each sentence to help you understand the rules of subject-verb agreement.

1. Neither the teacher nor the students (is/are) happy with the new policy.

Answer: Neither the teacher nor the students are happy with the new policy.

Explanation: When the subject of a sentence contains two nouns connected by «or» or «nor,» the verb must agree with the last noun in the series. In this sentence, «students» is the last noun, and it is plural, so the verb «are» is used.

2. The book with all the recipes (has/have) been misplaced.

Answer: The book with all the recipes has been misplaced.

Explanation: When a sentence contains a prepositional phrase, the verb must agree with the subject of the sentence, not the object of the preposition. In this sentence, «book» is the subject, and it is singular, so the verb «has» is used.

3. The group of musicians (play/plays) every Friday night at the local club.

Answer: The group of musicians plays every Friday night at the local club.

Explanation: When the subject of a sentence is a collective noun, the verb can be either singular or plural, depending on whether the group is acting as a unit or as individual members. In this sentence, the group is acting as a unit, so the verb «plays» is used.

4. One of the students (was/were) absent from class yesterday.

Answer: One of the students was absent from class yesterday.

Explanation: When the subject of a sentence is «one of» followed by a plural noun, the verb must be singular. In this sentence, «one» is the subject, and it is singular, so the verb «was» is used.

5. Each of the apples (is/are) ripe and ready to eat.

Answer: Each of the apples is ripe and ready to eat.

Explanation: When the subject of a sentence is «each,» the verb must be singular. In this sentence, «each» is the subject, and it is singular, so the verb «is» is used.

6. The committee (has/have) not yet made a decision.

Answer: The committee has not yet made a decision.

Explanation: When the subject of a sentence is a collective noun, the verb can be either singular or plural, depending on whether the group is acting as a unit or as individual members. In this sentence, the committee is acting as a unit, so the verb «has» is used.

In conclusion, understanding the rules of subject-verb agreement is essential for any writer or copy editor. Exercise 21-2 is an excellent tool for practicing and improving subject-verb agreement skills. By following the above explanations, you can confidently identify and correct subject-verb agreement errors in your writing.

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