Pl. de las Salesas, 8, Madrid

Deposit Account Control Agreement Citibank

Deposit Account Control Agreement with Citibank: Everything You Need to Know

If you are planning to secure a loan or get financing for your business, one of the documents that you will need to sign is a Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA). This legal agreement outlines the parties involved in the transaction, the role of the bank, and the rights and responsibilities of each party.

Citibank, one of the leading banks in the United States, offers DACA services to its clients. In this article, we will provide you with an overview of Citibank`s DACA and its importance in securing financing for your business.

What is a Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA)?

A Deposit Account Control Agreement is a legal document that establishes an agreement between a borrower, a lender, and a bank. It provides the lender with control over the funds in the borrower`s deposit account, giving them the right to freeze or take the funds if the borrower defaults on their loan.

The DACA outlines the conditions under which the bank will release funds to the borrower and the lender. It also provides the lender with the necessary security to ensure that they are repaid in the event of a default.

Why is a DACA important?

A DACA is an essential document for businesses seeking financing from banks or lenders. It provides the lender with control over the borrower`s deposit account, which is often used as collateral for the loan. This means that the lender has a way to recover their funds in the event of a default.

Additionally, a DACA helps to reduce the risks associated with providing financing to a business. By having control over the borrower`s deposit account, the lender can monitor the business`s financial performance and ensure that the borrower is meeting their financial obligations.

What is Citibank`s DACA?

Citibank`s DACA is a legal agreement between a borrower, a lender, and the bank. It provides the lender with control over the borrower`s deposit account, allowing them to freeze or take the funds if the borrower defaults on their loan.

Citibank`s DACA provides the lender with a secure way to receive their funds while minimizing the risks associated with lending money. The bank monitors the borrower`s financial performance and ensures that they are meeting their financial obligations.

How to get a DACA with Citibank?

To obtain a DACA with Citibank, you will need to contact the bank and provide them with the required documentation. This may include your financial statements, business plan, and other relevant documents.

Citibank will review your application and assess your financial situation to determine whether you are eligible for a DACA. If your application is approved, you will need to sign the agreement and provide the necessary collateral for the loan.


A Deposit Account Control Agreement is an essential document for businesses seeking financing from banks or lenders. It provides the lender with control over the borrower`s deposit account, giving them the necessary security to ensure that they are repaid in the event of a default.

Citibank`s DACA is a secure way to obtain financing for your business while minimizing the risks associated with lending money. To obtain a DACA with Citibank, you will need to provide the necessary documentation and collateral and sign the agreement.

If you are considering securing financing for your business, it is essential to understand the importance of a DACA and the role it plays in securing financing. Contact Citibank today to learn more about their DACA services and how they can help your business grow.

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